Wednesday, November 29, 2006

When i Thought it Was over...!!!
Why do I still Feel hurt...!!!

I walking, walking to the end of the room
that is filled with darkness... But no matter
how fast i walk, I just can't reach the door...
Why is that so...!!!?
When i just want to forget things, why do i feel
that i'm just fooling myself...!!!?
I gave back everything, but still i can feel the presence
of those days...!!!
I want to get over and done with things, but
why do i find it difficult..??!
Why should i keep thinking about what
has happened and stay in the dark...??!

I want to reach for the sky...!

I want to make myself heard...!

I want to achieve greater heights...!

I want to live my life happily...!

I dream, i dream, and i dream...
But when i wake up, i realise that i have
yet to get out of a terrible nightmare before
reaching for my dreams...!!!

I wil show everyone, that you made a terrible mistake by
hurting me, Physically, Mentally...!!!
I won't hurt you.... but instead i'll show you what it is
like to be treated like a "fucker"...!!

Yantee, you are right girl! I shouldn't feel sorry for anything..!!
But, it is still not wrong to seek forgiveness for something
I could have done without knowing right...?!

I owe everyone an apology..! Even to myself...!!!
If i have hurt someone, without knowing that i have...
Please forgive me... As for those, who think that i should just
Shut up and act like another areshole.... guess what....
You are in for great trouble...!!!
Don't think just because i'm keeping quiet about your stupid
comments... you watch it people... i'm just getting myself ready
to pounce on you for every word uttered against me...!!!


This is for that someone, I'm so sorry...!!!
Yantee, I know you want me to get over things...
But, i don't think i am willing to let things go...!!
For ana...(vacuum cleaner)... i'm trying...
To live with my past...
Because i believe that, "if you let go of your
past what do you have to look back when you have
reached your destination...!!!".
Whatever it is... Sorry all...!!


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